Ever Silent Ever Present

Mommy guilt, or daddy guilt, is a real thing. Our current social climate creates a frenzy of parents who want to be doing everything 100% correct all the time. That is a lot of pressure to put on yourself, and no doubt leads to feelings of guilt. I’m not sure if it has to do with the extensive research we have on caregiving, or the over-sharing of today’s digital parents- but the pressure to be perfect is overwhelming. Here’s my 5 top tips for avoiding mommy-guilt

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Your Balancing Act

The life changing event of motherhood is eternal. You are forever re-identified with this new portion of who you are. That’s amazing, incredible, awesome, and might scare you more than a little.

You aren’t who you were yesterday. The event of bringing a baby into the world has changed your heart and soul.

“My heart now lives on the outside of my body… my heart is concealed in the flesh and bones of my daughter.”

How can you ever be the same human now that your heart is outside of your body? But you are still who you are. You are still Emma, Joy, Samantha, or Caitlin.

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