Rainy Days at Preschool

I woke up early this morning. The air was fresh and crisp, I could hear rain falling from the roof. Last night we prepared for the storm. I covered the hay, blanketed the horses that live in my front yard, made sure the dog leashes were handy, and made myself a cup of evening tea.

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This morning it was raining. Actually it was pouring. A true San Diego downpour.

I drove to work thankful for the new tires on my car. Us Sandiegans are rarely prepared for an ill road conditions. My commute was breezy, half of the drivers must have stayed home or left late.

I pulled up to work, and Bright Beginnings Learning Academy was humming. The children had galoshes, raincoats, and umbrellas. The smile they wore were the brightest.

This might be the first memorable rain storm for some of these children. It so rarely rains here, that when it does our children rejoice. They soak up the rain for the novelty it is.

When I’m in a classroom of preschoolers and it’s raining, I want every child to be able to soak up the magical water that falls from the sky.

Rainy days are possibly my favorite days to teach. My favorite tradition is inviting every child to gather in the doorway. One at a time children can go outside and dance in the rain as their classmates count to 5.

They spin and twirl, jump, and giggle, for 5 entire seconds. Then they rush back inside. They are damp, but not cold, and not truely wet.

They exude joy as they watch each of their friends play in their own private rain storm.

If they are wear galoshes, they are invited to stomp in the puddles. This is their favorite rainy day tradition.

A little water never hurt any one. Send extra clothes, let your kids splash in the puddles, soak up the rain, and watch rainbows form.

Enjoy the rain. If you can, enjoy it as much as your child does.